By Tyler - 19/11/2011 08:05 - United States

By Tyler - 19/11/2011 08:05 - United States
By gjh - 19/01/2009 03:20 - Australia
By Anonymous - 01/03/2011 17:32 - United States
By unendowed - 18/03/2012 02:11 - United States - Katy
By drpepperking10 - 02/07/2016 23:27 - United States
By :x - 03/02/2016 15:40 - United States - Richmond
By mortified - 22/01/2011 16:04 - United Kingdom
By At least she knows I floss - 25/08/2017 14:15 - United States - Pomona
By mrricecakes - 23/03/2012 05:55 - United States - Gilbert
By nickthetank - 31/12/2011 09:21 - Canada
By Jarryd - 10/02/2012 05:40 - Australia
Way to go champ!
Knock 'em dead kiddo!
She should shave, just my opinion. A for effort!
Um am I the only one thinking this fml should be for the gf? Or do pubes suddenly slide out of one's skin with ease these days..
She doesn't shave that shit?
Well done #34, you've got my chuckling
180 and what is the point of your comment?
Atta boy!
Hang in there! .. I guess you already have
Get rid of that jungle :$
#shestooyoungforyoubro #youredefinitelytooyoungif you're wearing braces while tryna have sex.
I know right!?! Nasty ass hoe. How she want a dude to go down on her and she don't shave? She wants him to get lost in that jungle?
So is 18 too young because I have braces.
Ok ummmm braces.. Sex? How old are you..?!?!
op if ur old enough to **** ur too old for braces
my stepdad got braces at 32.
No she does it just magically grows back every five seconds. Dumbass.
if its not funny why did u say LMAO ?
Agreed, you totally just contradicted yourself.
"lmao... Not funny" is a contradiction... Good for the starburst commercial!!
Hahaha, how'd explaining that one go?
"Your pubes got stuck in my braces"
I find this hilarious especially #75's comment. Well done
He didn't need to since she probably felt it
You can have braces when you're older also it's not just something that you have when you are in middle or high school. My boyfriend is 22 and he got his braces on a year ago.
My friends mom still has braces......she's in her thirties
My uncle has braces and he's like 45. In my opinion dont go making smart ass remarks if you don't know what you're talking about.
I agree. Unless you even remotely know what you're talking about (which in this case you have no ******* clue), then shut the **** up. Yes, a good amount of young kids have braces but in no way is there an age set to it.
my mom still had braces at 19.
A classic case of posting before thinking.
As idiotic as the comment is, they did say "in my opinion". People are entitled to have retarded, ignorant opinions.
Not true my sister got braces when she was 23.
Dumb ass my cousin in law is 30 she just got her braces off
Welcome to the jungle
But there's no fun nor games
Yaaaaaa u dont deserve to even think about posting a pic pf James.... Pssh... LOOOOOSSSAAAAAAA
^ You just ruined it. Get out.
I bet your braces must have hurt your girlfriend. I feel sorry for her instead of you OP. A large chunk of pubes rip out is no joke.
It's called a Brazilian.
This should be her fml
Shave that shit!!!
Okay I'm going to sound stupid... But what dues OP mean? I never figured it out.
I think it's original post?
I think it means original poster. I suppose opening poster works too when its interweb threads.
Ohhh I see. Thanks guys!(:
If he's still got braces and gets pubes stuck in 'em, he's to young for you.
F her life too, that would freakin hurt. Still, funny story to tell later in life
How I fell in love with mom...
Maybe you should have stopped the first few times you got down voted.
Great... I hope no lame 'flossing your teeth' comments show up. Still, in your braces!? Hope ya got em all out before your orthodontist appointment! That'd be interesting to explain... lol.
I bet your braces must have hurt your girlfriend. I feel sorry for her instead of you OP. A large chunk of pubes rip out is no joke.
Nice one ace