By theyarefarapart - 09/05/2011 07:05

Today, I found out that my classmates affectionately refer to me as "the kid whose eyes are really far apart." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 779
You deserved it 3 572

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dude, it would be worse. You could be "the kid whose gender is impossible to tell". Plus, Oprah's eyes seem far apart... I don't know if anyone else noticed, but they are.


Kate Hudson has wide set eyes... I call what she has "lion face"

But she's freaking beautiful, and it goes with her face! :)

At least they haven't thought of a catchy name for you. Fortunately they don't appear to be very creative.

wakeNmakePIZZA 0
BAMF519 0

you could b the kid whos sister and mom are the same... they could call you chief touching eyes

zac7z 0

it's ok everyone calls me Harry potter and I mean everyone. even the homeless dude down the road and my buss driver.

piercedpeace 0

I swear, some people just push the " you deserved it" button to be assholes.

FYL for making a post about your life sucking for getting made fun of at school then getting made fun of here too.