By coolcocoxxx - 25/08/2012 06:53 - Canada - Mississauga

Today, I found out that my crush didn't remember calling me beautiful, telling me he liked me, or any of the other romantic things he said to me while drunk last night. He did however remember me promising to bake him cookies. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 816
You deserved it 3 156

coolcocoxxx tells us more.

For anyone wondering, he didn't get the cookies. And it was before he started flirting with me... His birthday was coming up soo

Top comments

heytrollhey 12

The drunken mind speaks the sober thoughts.

Better get started on those cookies ^_^


Make the best damn cookies you can. It will be impossible to resist you after a plateful of warm, moist chocolate chip cookies. Oh, and don't forget the milk.

Bake him cookies..... Get him drunk again and film the video

Then it'll end up on the Tosh.0 show when he gets so drunk that he literally tosses his cookies. Not a good idea.

51- "literally" going to toss his cookies? So he's going to pick up some freshly baked cookies and hurl them as far as he can?

fight4rocknroll 0
LittleGreenPaola 23

I think he likes you, but maybe doesn't know that you like him too. He's probably embarassed and shy, so he's pretending not to remember. Spend some time together, bake those cookies and tell him about your feelings!

Get him drunk again and record the whole thing and play it back to him. After all drunken rambling is really coherent thoughts spoken out loud. Good luck!

So make him his cookies...? This is serious, you don't play around with cookies.

The beer goggles are powerful. They can make you seem much hotter than you really are. But baking cookies is a great idea! Even if he doesn't ask you out, you still have cookies! And cookie dough! Make sure it's chocolate chip, not that nasty oatmeal raisin bullshit.

Oatmeal raisin cookies: the worst thing to happen to cookies, ever. Those damn raisins look like chocolate chips. **** anyone who bakes those.

What about white chocolate chip macadamia nut cookies? Or does white chocolate not count as real chocolate?:P

Cookies are cookies! Who can forget that?