By Cult - 30/03/2014 14:27 - United States - Glenside

Today, I found out that my favorite band logo is no longer being used by said band because of copyright issues. I have this logo tattooed on my body. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 327
You deserved it 57 516

Same thing different taste

Top comments

chocolatefrog28 29

But now you have a permanent part of their history, and it doesn't decrease your appreciation for the band. It's not that bad.


menoseloso 13

Poor Bayside. Their logo was pretty cool.

TrinityNevada 11

I'm not sure on this one OP. On one hand, most people couldn't have predicted copyright issues and if a person really loves a band, there's nothing wrong with freedom of expression in getting it inked on them. On the other hand, complaining that a band broke up/changed their name/someone dumped you and you have their name on your body ... not too much sympathy there. I told my son that if he ever gets any name on him besides mine or his grandparents', I'd disown him (but I really wouldn't, lol)

There is speculation saying that it's an elaborate April fools day joke, if that makes you feel any better.

Think of it this way... You've got a piece of history you can now explain to future fans of the band and you'll look like a guru

tattoo's are of the moment. don't sweat it if you were supposed to consider your whole life before getting cut you think anyone would do it? band logo is tough, it shoes dedication, and if anyone gives you shit you can say you're a true fan from day one...or tell them to go suck a dick and stop criticising your personal choices.

rose20906 2

My ex fiancee had his entire name (first, middle, and last) tattooed down the front of his arm. All three had different fonts... I'd take a band logo, even if the band split, over my own name for a tattoo any day.