By onionrings - 08/06/2015 00:53 - United States - Gainesville

Today, I found out that my husband really thinks onion rings are seafood. He's 36. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 581
You deserved it 2 525

Same thing different taste

Top comments


They are. I see onion rings, I eat onion rings.

Give him a calamari ring and then he'll realise the difference between seafood and veggie. I accidentally ate calamari once thinking it was an onion ring. I hate seafood and nearly vomited when I realised what I had done.

I can't think of a fish place that serves onion rings...aside from fast food...maybe a quick lesson would help they could maybe be confused with calamari or something else

Does he think onions are from the sea..?

Ted_brosby 4

"Hope you mean ex husband" That's how 90% of FML comments are

you're the first one in this entire thread who even mentioned anything close to that. you need to work on your math skills yo.

Cut the second sentence! Would have been great if he was a teenager, though...

Fish are friends not food - Bruce (The shark)