By onionrings - 08/06/2015 00:53 - United States - Gainesville

Today, I found out that my husband really thinks onion rings are seafood. He's 36. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 581
You deserved it 2 525

Same thing different taste

Top comments


are sea cucumbers vegetables or seafood in his opinion?

Technically land cucumbers are actually fruits, since they have seeds, which makes this even funnier :D

I forgot to ask the first question that came to mind. does he think specifically the rings or onions in general come from the sea?

Maybe he thought they're the same as calamari rings.

ColonelCusswords 24

Onions are sea creatures if you believe hard enough

Hasn't he ever seen a raw onion before :/

It's just land calamari, it's like calamari but instead of a squid, it's an onion.

I mean there are other types of rings like squid rings & chicken rings, etc. but pretty sure the name "onion" ring should have given it away lol.

Throw some calamari in the mixture . see if he thinks those are onion rings

TweetAnne 13

Puts a whole new twist to surf and turf.