By onionrings - 08/06/2015 00:53 - United States - Gainesville

Today, I found out that my husband really thinks onion rings are seafood. He's 36. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 581
You deserved it 2 525

Same thing different taste

Top comments


They do kinda look like calamari...

Sure, they usually school with the sweet and sour fish in the Crisco Bay.

What does he think of hush puppies?

You should introduce your husband to Google.

32, My uncle thinks the moon is a piece of pluton that's coming to crush us all in a fiery explosion. Plutons are pieces of Pluto that were destroyed, which is why it isnt a planet anymore. He saw the moon out in daylight for the first time apparently, and honestly thought we were doomed. Morons.

Lol that has Peter griffin written all over that haha love it

ghostriley 14

Get a fish tank stick an onion in it and sat I got us a new fish

gintwinsmoore 20

I'm sure you just tear up everytime he does or says anything stupid.

Wow. Your life must suck because if this one moment that totally wasn't a bitchy overreaction.