By PPP - 14/11/2014 03:39 - United States - Elk Grove Village

Today, I found out that my mom is doing a study and is keeping used pads in the freezer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 401
You deserved it 2 797

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Omg that is so disgusting I just hope it doesn't touch any of the food. I guess its your own bloody hell

Under no circumstance is that ever okay. Period.


What the hell could she possibly be studying that we don't already know. That's gross as hell. Buy a cheap disposable freezer dry ice something else.

cjwayy 22

It's not the period blood that grosses me out because it's just blood and tissue, but any bodily fluid should not be kept with food X(

im guessing you havent read "cooking with semen" yet? yes its a real book. but i agree with you, its just gross :0

DianaFrances411 13
ahippienamedrae 10
darlingdollie 24

That's very unappetizing Sorry you have to deal with that, OP That's disgusting

Is it a study on weirdest things to place in the freezer?

And this is one of those moments where I am so glad I don't live at home with parents lol