By beno - 07/01/2009 15:25 - United States

Today, I found out that my wife sent nudie pics to her ex-husband. My wife's excuse for the pics? "I needed a compliment because I thought you didn't love me." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 408
You deserved it 6 099

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheEpicScrewup 0

WORST. EXCUSE. EVER. If you're going to lie about nudie pics, make it a good lie. And there really is none in that situation. I'd be like, "And you think this will make me love you, physco?" And I'm a chick, by the way. I hate when people pull the whole, "I wanted attention because you don't compliment me enough/ I thought you lost interest in me" thing. Sorry, man. But I think you need couples' therapy...that or a divorce...

Sorry, but your wife's a jerk. Yeah, you should let her know that you love her and make sure she feels important... but at the same time, if she has that little respect for you, she doesn't deserve your time.


your wife is a lying bitch. she's still doing her ex... leave that cheating bitch and go sleep with his new wife or Gf

ok her excuse was rediculous but maybe she really craved attention because u didn't give her enough. what she did wasn't right but maybe she thought it would open your eyes.

thefuckinloser 6

he still ******* her he probably never stopped

Go to couples therapy, and if that doesn't work, divorce. You have a decent case, you have a good chance of coming out on top.

here's your comeback: have an affair, then tell her "i needed to feel good because i thought you didn't love me"