Stop perving

By Anonymous - 14/01/2011 04:30 - Ireland

Today, I had to repeat my order in Starbucks three times because the barista was staring at my chest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 582
You deserved it 12 432

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why? What was on your chest? Give us a pic and we'll find it; don't worry.

chelle_starlight 0

you must have a "grande" chest...sorry...I know this comment is lame...couldn't think of anything else to say...haha


Why? What was on your chest? Give us a pic and we'll find it; don't worry.

510lobita510 0

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therealsuperman 0

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Ariasmake_1 0

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takeapieandrun 9

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ayleyyasuko 0

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DU0 0

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you can't shun someone that's ******* while she disagrees. that would be impolite. wait until she gets off the ride

fiveonefiveoh 0
v1kt4r 13
rallets 22

so youre not opposed to 69 eh? ;)

akd1v 0
DudeImBetter 0

agree with 125 disagree with everyone else

Agree with 130, But not with 133 who is jealous of our skillz.

xGraycloud 4

agree with whatever number was before me. :S

Agree with whoever the hell I'm supposed to agree with.

WinterPerfection 3

^^ Thank You Captain Obvious

lVluse 15

Down-votes. Down-votes everywhere.

Dont agree with any of you. Incompotent baboons, the lot of you.

ShadowlessSpear 21

Oh look, a herd of sheep just passed by.

DaveOnDope 4

Yep, she has a gift. I used to work across a table from a busty redhead. she used to wear sheer tops just for me to watch her and make her feel sexy.

therealsuperman 0

^ that must be good dope Dave

It's not a compliment because the OP does not find the barista attractive, anyone who is not attractive and stares is a perv.

DaveOnDope 4
DaveOnDope 4

yeah the old double standard. "I dress this way to be looked at. Why are you looking at me?"

There's no indication that OP was dressed provocatively, and it's possible for something to be potentially flattering and offensive at the same time. She could take it as a compliment, but she doesn't want to because he was being a perv.

You all clearly didn't see the male gender sign beside the post, which is why it is an FML, because he does not have ****, unless he's fat...

213 u sir are a dumbass because it clearly shows that op is in fact a girl!

chelle_starlight 0

you must have a "grande" chest...sorry...I know this comment is lame...couldn't think of anything else to say...haha

GetaLifePlease 0

I'll give him an E as in I wish E was a bra size

35 I read your profile and I must say that I love your Matrix reference.

24 their really is a bra size E. It's also know as DDD. I have seen a pair of E's but they were implant not real boobs.

89 - DDD is equivalent to size F. I believe DD is the same as a size E. E isn't a common size since most people tend to make bras that go from D to DD to DDD/F.

grumpybarista 0
eclecticstrings 0

^ that's not really shocking. my girlfriend's 14 and she's a DD

she could also be fat fat people gave big boobs to.

You must have a pretty fat 14 year old girlfriend.

Blacksabbath211 9

Bras are confusing to non-females D: Only thing you need to know how to do is get em off ;)

DU0 0

... ... What was that? Too busy staring...

...huh... ...grande... ...milk... ...drizzle... ...steam...

Didn't you choose to wear the revealing top?

how do you know she was wearing a revealing top? You know, when you assume, you're just being a bitch.

Revealing, as in perhaps some cleavage has been exposed. Not necessarily meaning she was parading around like a hooker. Didn't mean it that way. But yeah, FHL for having been ogled at by some barista perv.

I'm sure there was a good reason for it, maybe there was a butterfly on your chest and it was too majestic to not look at.

Umm, I think it's, "when you assume you make an ass out of u and me." Not a bitch ;) Nice try.

#69 - Are you trying to make yourself look stupid or does it come naturally?

No, he was a Cuban dictator until 1959. What, she said "Batista!!" I'm just answering her silly question.

25/StarKiller - It wouldn't have been a revealing shirt. Baristas from Starbucks always have to wear a uniform. On weekends, they wear a tee-shirt, so they're covered up to their necks. I'm pretty sure any other day they have to wear a tee-shirt underneath a golf shirt/polo. They also have to wear an apron, so her chest in comparison to her stomach would have been minimized simply by that fact.

My mistake, I misread the FML. Either way, you still don't know if she was wearing a low cut shirt. 96 - No. There are male baristas.

FMLephant 2

At least he wasn't mesmerized by your chickstache.

you have nice ****... whats the big deal?