By BuspassBob - 10/09/2012 16:48 - United States

Today, I found out that the car I got a great deal on a few days ago, needs a new transmission. I'm now the proud owner of a very large and very expensive paperweight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 057
You deserved it 6 643

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Simple, just take the car back and jam it down the throat of the person that sold you it. :)

Jam the car...? Erm, that would be quite the sight.

54 - It was a hot wheels car, shouldn't be too difficult

And there are no laws in the USA to guarantee your car gets sorted our? Unlucky. :(

choff47436 4

Should of had a mechanic check it over before you bought it

sometimes, things are too good to be true. you arent the only one OP

Judging by your username you'll be taking the bus for a while

DeadxManxWalking 27

"Two Ton Paperweight" by Psychostick

Caveat emptor. Unless you have something of a legally binding nature stating that you will receive this vehicle, for this price, in this condition, and if X is a problem within X amount of time it will be the sellers responsibility, you're SOL. Used cars don't often come with warranties for a reason, friend. I'm gonna have to vote YDI, or at the very least NOT FYL. Shit like this happens, take some of the cash you saved and get a new transmission. Also, worth noting, the less you pay for a car, especially under value, the more you'll be paying to get it fixed. Common sense.

You always have to do your research when investing your money in something! Especially a car haha

Should have had it checked out. Buyer beware.