By BuspassBob - 10/09/2012 16:48 - United States

Today, I found out that the car I got a great deal on a few days ago, needs a new transmission. I'm now the proud owner of a very large and very expensive paperweight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 057
You deserved it 6 643

Same thing different taste

Top comments


SamCrow 1

Bring it back and tell them u will sue

If u getting a good deal & things are going "your way" something is wrong.

well alteast you wont lose your important papers!

marlboro_man93 0

YDI you can usually tell when the transmission is slipping dipshit

wyatt174 2

I know that feel. I bought a 2012 Rio earlier this year and after 2000 miles the engine blew. The dealership is refusing to fix it stating that I must have sabotaged my own car. They voided all my warranties. I still owe $12000. It's my only car and my school is 2 hours away.

nancyschmancy 9

3 you must be from California. I swear California should change their state motto to "I will sue you" state.

there is a lemon law, and if they didnt tell u the tranny was wrecked u can make them take it back and give ur money back

nancyschmancy 9

For all you brainiacs telling op to use the lemon law. . . Lemon law is to protect customers against a vehicle that has multiple problems and usually applies to new or certified pre-owned. You can't buy a used car, have it break down, and sue the manufacturer. Lemon law doesn't work that way in any state.

Same thing just happened to me but I don't need a transmission, I need a new motor!

I know how you feel, y cousin gave me his truck free of charge but it was in an accident an needs a new transmission or rear axle, or even new rear break housings