By KatiRozz1 - 17/04/2013 17:40 - United Kingdom - Middlesbrough
RoseTheOdd tells us more.
I'm the op :) The song is called "Choudo ii ino" which means, "It's just right" if you look up the lyrics for it (with the english translation) it becomes pretty obvious what it's about. my friend is Japanese, she told me what it meant.
Top comments
oppa custom size
I need the name of the song.
What's the name of the song I love quirky catchy Japanese songs.
No wondering then. we already know why it was catchy for you then
It's in japanese. Of course it's going to be sexual or nasty.
Gosh, you guys a freaking creative, and I thought I had a sick mind.
Sounds like Psy's next hit.
This is why I hate pop music.
Except thst American pop music has very little in common with J-Pop.
If I found out a song I loved turned out to be about ******, I would laugh about it. honestly, that's nothing to be embarrassed about. if it's catchy, it's catchy.
Oh...well, that's interesting.