By kazmatazz - 17/05/2012 10:33 - Oman

Today, I found out that the extremely attractive man that works in my building can hear everything I say about him through the paper-thin walls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 530
You deserved it 9 099

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Let's just hope you haven't said anything awkward or bad.

I fear that if you were a guy you would be on a harassment charge by now!


How is this a problem? He can hear everything, so you never need to call him for a booty call! All you need to do is talk! "Oh, I wish some hot guy who happens to work in the building would come into my apartment, which is unlocked, and ravage my body, which is naked."

And unbeknownst to OP, the extremely unattractive, yet stuck up guy that works in the room next to her can also hear every word she says.

skyeyez9 24

I can only imagine what was said.....when girls start to Talk about a guy they like, it is worse than when two guys talk about a girl. Guys Don't believe me....look up any video on youtube about the male actors on true blood. Read the comments by the women.

wlddog 14

I find that "Hard" to believe. When guys get with their buddies they start bragging about stuff they couldn't possible do. And it gets stupid.

YDI!! You shouldn't be talking about anyone, Especially at work! Work is for working not gossiping or drooling over some dude!

She isn't at work. She's at her apartment but he works at her apartment

jbe_fml 0

Now that you know. You can **** with him so bad

Strange, I read this fml as "unattractive". In that case OP, let him hear you invite him over for some sex.

Comet_Candy 23

At least you weren't insulting him.

Oh come on. If you find him attractive you must have complimented him and shared your dirty fantasies with your co-workers. This should help you take it further, only if he is interested that is.

And I can read your FML's too. Just so you know, those walls ARE thin, nice boobs by the way.