By MsMedea - 11/08/2015 12:02 - Australia - Sydney
MsMedea tells us more.
Hi, OP here, to answer your question, the slow cooker was sitting on the bench, underneath a shelf in our kitchen. As I took the lid off, the roach came from above, literally jumping into the pot! So I definitely did not see it before I took the lid off!
Top comments
I would have scraped off the top layer and eaten it anyway if it were solid.
IKR? I couldn't sit 12 hours and have a meal ruined by some insect xD Let it boil another 2 hours to kill of germs LOL
I just threw up a little inside my mouth.
why did u throw out where the **** roach was and eat the rest????......2nd!!!
I would've just fished it out >>;
I think I was more surprised about the fact that OP and her husband didn't eat the casserole than the fact that they have diving cockroaches.
But slow cooked cockroach is the best. Extra protein! Channel your inner Bear Grylls.
Aren't you a tad bit concerned that there are **** roaches in your house??
OP is in Australia so they might be common over there. But I would still get it checked out!
To clarify, we have very unfortunate neighbours who are hoarders! Basically, no matter what we do, there is always the odd roach lurking about. We spray, use baits and keep our place tidy and free from food scraps, but they seem to migrate from the squalor next door. As I said in response to #1, this one was hiding on a shelf above the bench top and jumped in when I took the lid off. It was just one of those days!
Have you gone over to talk to them or even filed a complaint against them since they are not only endangering themselves but making a problem for those around them?I'm not sure about the laws in Australia about a subject like this and I'm just curious. It is ******* gross and I feel your pain. My in-laws are kinda the same way and I've wanted to beat them over their heads with their junk at times.
if you can prove where they are coming from, you might be able to sue the neighbors into cleaning up their trash.
Guys talking about suing and making complaints or getting exterminators. I don't know about op but that stuff just doesn't fly in Australia, everyone "has cockroaches" they're very common here especially if you live near bushland, or like op said, near hoarders. Your place can be a tidy and clean as ever but you can still get cockroaches. As for suing, that just doesn't happen here. You don't sue someone here for anything really as we have a different legal system that is for crimes against a state instead of crimes against a person- you'll literally be laughed out of court if you even make it that far. The Most you can do is file a report to the council who will send over a ranger but nothing further really would happen.
One can be a tad concerned, or a bit concerned, but not a tad bit concerned. That's redundant.
Guess you could say that cockroach was on a casse-roll. No? Ok ._.
Not necessarily, they can hide anywhere. It was lying in wait most likely.
In some places, cockroaches are normal to see
Here's a cockroach trivia for you, OP. When you see a cockroach, it is most certainly not alone. Who you gonna call?! The exterminators. You should call the exterminators.
#11 I'm upset that you didn't take the opportunity to say "who you gonna call?! ROACH BUSTERS!"
Here's a cockroach trivia for you, OP. When you see a cockroach, it is most certainly not alone. Who you gonna call?! The exterminators. You should call the exterminators.
Aren't you a tad bit concerned that there are **** roaches in your house??