By sad - 08/01/2011 05:22 - United States

By sad - 08/01/2011 05:22 - United States
By sickandtiredofit - 24/01/2012 19:50 - United States
By shandrith - 03/07/2009 14:16 - United States
By Nobody - 27/11/2009 21:39 - United States
By Anonymous - 19/09/2010 14:12 - United States
By Kayleigh - 16/03/2021 21:59 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 14/07/2021 11:01
By WhatTheBleep - 09/04/2011 04:02 - United States
By Anonymous - 30/12/2008 04:34 - France
By Sara246 - 19/08/2010 23:11 - Canada
By Anonymous - 07/08/2023 00:02
she must have that b.p. lol
Your boyfriend looks gay. Just sayin'. -FMLGrammarNazi.
Pendatik, you rock. Just sayin'
Pendatik, you rock. Just sayin'
Already done today.
aah. Dejavu
damn.. cut the bitch!
Evidently not.
Well damn.
******* bitch ! cut her and cut her deep !
cut the husband as well
20 your so beautiful O.o but then kinda creepy for suggesting to cut someone...
"Cut the husband as well." Still a pickup line if you're smexy.
I would kill her... FOr fallowing you like that, what a *****..
Its time to move out of your Podunk town with population <100. Find yourself a deeper gene pool.
Bitch be stalking!
You and her have a lot in common. Ever thought about becoming her friend?
She just wants to stay close to you. Maybe it's you she wants.
damn.. cut the bitch!