By TatooFAIL - 06/10/2009 14:38 - United States

Today, I found out that the phrase I got tattooed on my lower back is misspelled. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 287
You deserved it 67 819

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jess_Love 0

sorry but ydi... always triple check it... but i doubt the guys seeing it will care :P

Even worse when you can't spell tattoo. FAIL x2


noshitsherlock 0

HAHHAHAHA LOSER THAT'S WHAT YOU GET for not thoroughly researching before getting something permanently imprinted on your body.

People's responses would be entirely different if she didn't mentioned the phrase "on my lower back". Just saying.

freddie_fml 0

YDI for getting a tat in the first place.

haha_89 0

The same thing happened to me on my right hip. Luckily it was on the end and I covered it with a star.

speak_a_da_truth 0

Let me guess here. It's probably written in Chinese. WTF is up with people getting tat's no one can read? The #1 most annoying thing would be having to answer every person that asks what does that mean?

You deserve it 500% for either not checking your tattoo or being too retarded to spell correctly!!!

Well, I have a tat on my foot in Hebrew that says "Send Me" because Hebrew is the original language the quote was in and I thought it was more meaningful. They help start conversation!

FMYLIFEsince1993 0

FYL, THAT SUCKS. sue the tatoo artist or something.

HahahaHahahaHahahaHahahaHahahaHahahaHahahaHahahaHahahaHahahaHahahaHahahaHahahaHahahaHahahaHahahaHahahaHahahaHahahaHahaha Fail