By ohmydog - 05/09/2010 08:14 - United States

Today, I found out that the reason why my boyfriend has a chipped tooth is because his teeth hit another girl's teeth while kissing her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 923
You deserved it 3 649

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FFML_314 11

Wow what a fail at kissing. What the hell did he do? Smile like this :D and then go in for it?


dwightschrutebit 0

EEEEEEW! thinking of that gives me goosebumps AHGKJFAHVKJALJKVDVAL

fi3ldhock3ybab33 8

I don't see how this is a fyl, it doesn't say whether he chipped his tooth well going out with the op or not, because if he did while going out with the op then it's an fyl but if not it's more like an fhs for being a retard.

um u mean fhl cause he has a chipped tooth..

trex23t 0

well either way he's clearly a failure at kissing so dump him lol

is this really your problem? more like fhl

b4mv_a7x_music 0

Is it so hard to believe he's kissed another girl?

saragr94 2

i really don't see the problem here

Her Boyfriend cheated on her by kissing another girl. Do you see it now?

I have a chip on my front tooth that I got from my ex-girlfriend when we were kissing, but I don't live in Pennsylvania and my girlfriend doesn't know! It isn't as if I I busted my face on another woman's mouth whilst dating her. If that's that case with this one, GET OVER IT! If not, smack him in the chops.