By Devon - 03/09/2010 04:35 - United States

Today, I found out that there is literally a giant hole in my son's bedroom because my son wanted to build a "secret entrance." FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 071
You deserved it 5 043

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lol I always tried to make a secret laboratory.


cathleengillingh 0

was he hiding the hole by covering it with a picture of Marilyn Monroe?

chappy5 0

haha I've been wanting to do that with my room

kristennalexy06 0

aw man, that would be awesome knowing there is a huge hole in ur house! : D

doomsauced 0

that's classic. your kid should get a raise in his allowance for ingenuity.

I think a small child could easily make a fairly large hole and hide it sufficiently. usin any blunt instrument he could gouge out a significant portion of the drywall. and hide it by just scooting a bookcase/dresser in front of it. or if it was ground level, just pin a poster in front of it. not as hard as every keeps insisting it is. that kid is hella awesome too

xdanixx 0