By Anonymous - 11/01/2016 21:52 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I woke up to my roommate's friend rustling in the attic without permission to be there. When I asked how he got in with all doors and windows locked, he simply said, "It's a secret." FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 035
You deserved it 1 406

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A secret he can explain to the police after you call them.

Good thing he didn't pull the secret string, revealing the secret compartment of my secret box!


A secret he can explain to the police after you call them.

"Why are the police here?" "It's a secret, too."

friedpwnadge 25

Change the locks? Time to change addresses.

That's terrifying, I would call the police. Unless he just spent the night with your roommate and is messing with you. But, still not cool.

Good thing he didn't pull the secret string, revealing the secret compartment of my secret box!


I really love the internet. if you Google it, so many artists have depicted what they think that photo looks like. Search it, search it now.

Well at least he's your roommates friend not a stranger, so they're more likely to investigate him during the murder investigation

Maybe you're roommate let them in? I mean they are friends. On the other hand maybe there really is a secret passage way into you attic?

This will be a fun story for the police!

would you prefer your attic was haunted instead?

Yes. Because ghosts can't kill me in my sleep even if they wanted. Just like mediums and exorcists, I can call up the police to remove a troublesome trespasser, if not more easily.

devinm112233 22

I would just go back to bed XD