By Pimpleeater - 20/12/2011 07:45 - New Zealand

Today, I found out that, when mad at us, my son picks the tops off his shoulder-pimples and sprinkles them in our food. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 460
You deserved it 5 678

Same thing different taste

Top comments


This actually made me want to throw up. Op your son has issues.

I have to agree with #86. That kid needs Therapy. He has serious issues. It takes a twisted devious mind to come up with that as a "punishment" for his parents. He's obviously a closet something

Yeah because it is so common for teenagers to pick off pimples and feed them to their parents. I must know like a hundred kids that do it. *please read with sarcasm*

actually, i am raising teens right now so i have a few years on you and some experience. on top of that i have spent years working with psychiatric patients. this is not acting out this is a problem

I'm normally against child beating but that one deserves a good kick in the ass! Seriously disgusting.

justbigbs 6

I'd give him some good old fashioned smack up side the head

spurlock62 0

Yeah, you should discipline the shat out of that kid.

ewputthataway 0

There is a very dangerous food war, op. Get all of your favorite foods, a refrigerated jacket, and ziploc bags. Trust no one.

ewputthataway 0

I thumbed you up for the apology :3

hateevryone 14

what the hell? that's disgusting