By Pimpleeater - 20/12/2011 07:45 - New Zealand

Today, I found out that, when mad at us, my son picks the tops off his shoulder-pimples and sprinkles them in our food. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 460
You deserved it 5 678

Same thing different taste

Top comments


blacksswan 10

Time to have a word with him and send him to anger management classes, that is nasty. if I had a kid and he did that, he would be grounded from everything for a while.

pinkpixie06 11

What kind of person does that?!?

He can have fun making his own meals then. nastyass

Something is wrong with so disgusting

***Spoiled kid alert*** Tired of your spoiled kid(s)? Need a solution fast? Well, you're in for a surprise cause we're offering free online support a limited time. Steps: 1)Make him bath everyday 2)Stop pissing him off until he's "shoulder-pimple" free 3)Now, you're free to spank him day and night! 4) repeat steps 1-3 Enjoy :D

marinebio 0

Don't feed him and when he gets super hungary make him eat his pimple tops to teach him a lesson

That's really ******* sick. But maybe you should be concerned on where he learned such twisted behavior...