By eenkoekje - 13/05/2011 07:20
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 06/08/2009 06:13 - Australia
By Jonathan lemon - 22/10/2021 20:00
Creepy kid
By Anonymous - 05/03/2022 16:00 - United States - Morganville
By George Saunders - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - New Zealand - Auckland
By Ramis182 - 03/10/2011 04:26 - United States
Good boy
By anonymous - 16/03/2011 02:05
By Anonymous - 07/09/2012 05:08 - Canada - Edmonton
Off his **** on placebos
By being this dumb should hurt - 17/03/2023 18:00 - United States
Fire hasard
By Anonymous - 26/12/2015 18:23 - United States - Ridge
By A-64 - 08/05/2012 20:48 - Belgium - Brussels
Top comments
What an idiot!!!!!
Its not the parents fault the kid has no common sense 48...
i think op it's upset that he can't tell the difference @ 66
Yea, I would have snorted Dr. Peppers instead. All you need is black and white pepper, grounded.
yes becuase snorting something that makes u immediately sneeze it out is really smart -_-
My friends sold "hash" to someone before. It was actually basil :-P
Bano's friend isn't necessarily a moron if he knew that the guy he sold it to was gullible.
techweed it's funny that you call him an idiot for trying to do coke, yet your name has "weed" in it.
movies... lol scarface?
This is why you always spend time together as a family and teach the kid how to do it the right way lol.
Maybe the kid was trying to pawn of kief, which like 75% of the population call hash
He's a violent torpedo of truth!
hes losing.
the only question I have is where did he get the baking soda, and aspirin?
I was thinking the same thing. aspirin at school maybe...not sure about the baking soda
he must have been an evolved warlock...unlike number 147
Wait, he thought it WAS coke? hahahaha
He must have been trying to show off because I'm sure if he had done it before he'd remember the taste
He was just trying to live up to your standards.
spongebob speaks the truth
Obviously he missed out the key ingredient, "Intelligence".
hahha very true
from the sound of it, it doesn't seem like you loved him enough.
you know how ye feels, don't you
idk where you went wrong probably alot of places including here calling your child a twerp on FML. #badparent SMH
Yeah, "twerp" isn't strong enough. "Nincompoop" or "imbecile" would have been better.
lol, yeah that's the definition of a bad parent, calling your kid a twerp on fml. grow up.
lmao at 28. nice win
Vicky really ****** with timmy's mind when she baby sat him. she even drove him to cocaine. poor Wanda and cosmo just keep poofing up more for him. tsktsk
he did it at school. clearly the mother was not there to be a 'bad parent'. its not like she told him to do it.

He thought he was Charlie Sheen. Don't blame him.
You didn't teach him how to tell real coke from BS. That's where you went wrong.