By StupidApple - 25/05/2011 00:02

Today, I found out that whenever I send my son to his room, he goes on his iPod and buys the most expensive apps he can find. So far I've been charged $600. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 858
You deserved it 53 252

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well take his ipod and don't give him any money till the 600$ are paid off. Can parents not raise their children anymore, that's just sad.

cdawg145236 1

your lucky he hasn't found the $999.99 apps yet


should have 2 cards one with a $50 limit the other u have somewhere safe

dancer_2014 0

so take away his iPod until he gets a job and pays ya back! he needs to learn from his mistakes!

doubleodoggy 0

I'm going to have sympathy for you, even though you should have taken his iPod away.

it's obviously not the kids fault. if the parents weren't stupid they wouldn't give a kid full access to make a purchase with a credit card. so in this case it's obviously the parents fault.

Of course it's the kid's fault! Does something possess him each time and force him onto the computer and to buy an app against his will? No, he does it himself. Yes, the parent is stupid for allowing him access to her cards or having the information stored in iTunes. But the kid still has complete responsibility over his own actions.

FleshForFantasy 3

Take his iPod away and make him do chores to makeup for the amount he charged.

tom_es 3

You can lock the access and you should ask for reinborsment for Apple.

justlikeme123 0

hahahahahaha i feel bad for you but thats awsome FYL ;D

FYL for having a crappy kid. YDI for paying for your kid's apps/ giving him access to your cards.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA what a genius. I was never sent to my room because they did all their punishing without delay but if I was I would soo have done that.