By Username - 25/01/2010 05:19 - United States

Today, I found out that you need to clean your car more often when you find a mouldy burrito under the back seat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 163
You deserved it 35 021

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yeah, might want to clean it a LITTLE more often...

Wow....some nice stereotyping we got here. NOT all Americans are slobs.


today. I realized I'm not just fat. but I am a slob as well. fml

BrownSugar_fml 5

I helped my friend clean his car out, and believe me it was disgusting. we found a dead snake in his trunk under all his junk he had in there. how it got there, he didn't know. then we came across some black liquid which was not oil. moldy food under the backseat. some more dead things like bugs. I threw up twice and told him he could clean the rest by himself.

blazingman311 1

An American, finding a missing burrito... bet you he ate it

Or just print off waivers that people have to sign before getting into your car :)

missey_jey 0

fyl for complaing through someone else's fml

How dare you lose a burrito on your car. Don't you know burritos are a gift from God? Shame on you!!!