By Infected - 20/02/2011 17:30 - United States

Today, I found out the girl I gave my virginity to gave me gonorrhea. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 027
You deserved it 19 910

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It isn't the gift that keeps on giving, but you might want to give her a good call or two to all her other lovers.

Should have used a condom. Learn your lesson before you catch something that's not as easily cured.


p.s people with STDs should be treated like the leppors (must scream " UNCLEAN" when going near someone.

Don't forget to wear socks.. before u go into the pink fluffy box?

Be glad it wasn't HIV. And she didn't get pregnant. Life, it's sexually transmitted and it's terminal.

Ooooh fyl dude. Though ydi for picking a **** appartently lol.

didn't know that you were the one getting popped