By swollenpenis - 25/01/2013 06:11 - Canada - Calgary

Today, I found out the hard way that I'm severely allergic to latex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 457
You deserved it 4 751

Same thing different taste


You can use the leftover condoms as balloons! Just don't blow them up yourself! DSL aren't as attractive on guys as they are on girls. :P

perdix 29

#48, DSL is OK, but I do better uploads using cable.

At least you didn't find out like the guy in a thousand ways to die.

Satoaoi 13

the price you pay for being a good little boy and wearing protection what is wrong with the world when a good boy is punished for wearing le condoms

Why is everyone assuming it's a male, it could be a woman, and she could have had sex with a guy and swelled up

It's because the username is "swollenpenis".

you're one of those special kinds of people aren't you. if one braincell died the other would be lonely.

maybe cuz their username is swollenpenis. i mean it could be a chick with a dick i suppose. but im going to make the safe assumption.

secertbeautyxx 5

glad I am not the only one who went through this

hellox3howlow 17

You should have listened to your girlfriend at the birthday party. You can't use balloons as condoms!

Wow, that must've been really hard on you.

No need to get swelled up over it, though.

my husband isn't allergic to latex but he is allergic to the powder or something they put in them and it makes the skin on Captain Winky shed a few layers and according to him it's a very disturbing situation.