By jflac - 24/12/2014 12:03 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, I found out the person who's been stalking and harassing me online was actually my now ex-boyfriend. He only confessed as I finally picked up the phone to report it to the police. He basically said he wanted me to turn to him for comfort and protection, so he could "feel like a man". FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 963
You deserved it 2 849

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Glad he's your ex. He's clearly an idiot.

And you'll be turning to a restraining order


rieebee 23

Because most people don't have "crazy" branded on their forehead, so you can't tell if they're going to do creepy stuff at a later date...

The same reason we buy defective products from stores. We don't know it's effed up until we try it out.

#27 Has a really good point. its not like we can just look at a guy and be like "oh he's crazy". Its not the girls fault the guy went crazy she trusted him and he turned out to be no good.

rocker_chick23 27

Maybe because many don't know their S/O is crazy until after they start dating.

TriKonz 2

Good thing you left that ass! Any relationship that involves manipulation to gain something like that is completely wrong and abusive

#35 let me say without getting into detail I have dated crazy guys that I thought were perfectly normal and turned out being awful so you really never know. his friends were cool and his family was nice but behind closed doors he was an awful monster.