Lost the fight

By Anonymous - 24/12/2014 14:43 - United States - Herndon

Today, I found a hornet's nest in the backyard, so I called my brother over to take a look. He said "Hmm, wonder how fast you can run…" then hurled a rock at the nest and sprinted back to the house. I wasn't so fast. I now feel like someone's beaten me half to death with a cactus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 187
You deserved it 3 982

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Easy solution: Buy a cactus and beat him with it.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Your brother is not a very nice person. Glad you aren't allergic and didn't die!


iLike2Teabag 27

That's gotta sting. Your brother is a prick.

Nice pun. But op you should get your brother back for that.

eh, I don't think his brother is a prick, just an older brother. any older brother who doesn't do something traumatizing to their younger siblings isn't doing their job.

Your brother beehaved rather badly. I have hive dollars on him getting grounded.

One time when it was Easter and I was really little, my family and I were celebrating Easter in California. When looking for eggs, there was one hidden next to some cactuses (cacti? Cactus'? Not sure on that spelling). My brother and I both went for it, but I got it and he fell onto the cactus. All his eggs fell out and it's every man for themselves and so I started takin his while he was crying after landing on the cactus. I just realized how savage of a four year old I was...

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Your brother is not a very nice person. Glad you aren't allergic and didn't die!

nialls_girl 13

Well if a enough hornets sting you it doesn't matter if you are allergic or not. If enough venom it injected into a person it can be very lethal. :(

Hiimhaileypotter 52

That's true, but I think if they were allergic things could be a lot worse, right? I got stung by one bee over the past summer and it hurt like hell, my entire foot swelled for days. The doctor said I wasn't allergic, and that my body just did what is normal to try to get the venom out (or whatever... I'm not quite sure what exactly he said, lol). I can't even imagine going through multiple stings AND being allergic, too. So, whatever the case may be, I hope OP is doing well. :)

While screaming "Not the beeeees!!!!!" at the top of your lungs

trellz17 19

That's really not funny. You could've been seriously injured.

Or dead. If OP had a serious allergy, that could have been fatal. The brother is a douchenozzle.

sweetnsourrr 11

It can be fatal either way, if she was stunged by over a hundred bees....

Sounds like y'all did not have fun growing up.

Easy solution: Buy a cactus and beat him with it.

bingo__O 15

Beat him 1/2 to death, with an extra 1/4 for good measure

As life approaches death, but never quite reaching it?

katydid91 31

Wasn't there an FML about a somebody having a cactus thrown at them by their brother?

Clearly you didn't run fast enough.. No but seriously OP, that has got to suck, especially a day before Christmas.. merry Christmas I guess.

T_Young96 13

Ope! Ya gotta be quicker than that!