By jflac - 24/12/2014 12:03 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, I found out the person who's been stalking and harassing me online was actually my now ex-boyfriend. He only confessed as I finally picked up the phone to report it to the police. He basically said he wanted me to turn to him for comfort and protection, so he could "feel like a man". FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 963
You deserved it 2 849

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Glad he's your ex. He's clearly an idiot.

And you'll be turning to a restraining order


If he goes to jail, and drops the soap, he will no longer feel like a man.

Why the downvotes? I think it was funny.

squideth 18

Maybe because rape isn't funny?

he seemed absolutely normal. yes I am more cautious but as people say "you can't judge a book by its cover" (I know its old) but really you never can and I'm not going to and sometimes you can sense that someone is kind of out there but sometimes you'd be shocked as to see who really is.

Sounds a lot like the "Dennis Plan" from Its always sunny in Philadelphia, still, im sorry you had to go through that. It must've been terrifying FYL OP

You said you've never dated a crazy person, right? Unless you have then you don't know what it's like. You take a risk when you get into any relationship and in most cases, the person's true colors don't come out until much later. That person's family or friends could be weird but that doesn't make the person you're dating, crazy. How do you avoid a crazy person when they don't even act crazy to begin with? And to be honest. Saying "Why do girls..." made it sound like you were blaming the girl. Also, it doesn't matter if you look at reviews for an item. There's always that one defective item out of the bunch if you're unlucky enough to get it. It's the same with people.

For having philosophy in your user I'd expect a little more... thought put into the reply. Not everything is black and white, and often the most "crazy" people are the most manipulative. Clearly she wouldn't have been dating the guy if she knew he was such a dick, and based on the fact that we know he is manipulative he is probably incredibly persuasive and not the awkward, stuttering "silent type" everyone profiles crazy people who shoot up schools to be. On top of that, not only men are "crazy" and implying that girls are the only gender to get into potentially abusive relationships is sexist and ignorant. Many men are physically and emotionally abused and manipulated by women. No matter what gender you are you can get tangled up in a dangerous relationship. Stating that because you have never been in such a relationship and therefore it is easily avoidable by paying attention to red flags is just more laughable ignorance- like I mentioned above, everything can seem perfectly normal, perfect even- until your significant other has an episode from some underlying mental instability that was completely cloaked until triggered by stress, or even just a genetic clock, and then suddenly your beloved partner is a motherfucking axe murderer and you're choking to death on your own damn blood while your lover kisses you goodnight and you fade into eternal darkness.

#42 I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw that part of the post for what it was- victim blaming. "You should have took more precautionary measures", um no, the predator/abuser shouldn't have been a ******* sleezebag. I feel sorry for the rape and abuse victims in that person's life that have to deal with hearing such a twisted, disgusting way of putting the guilt on the victim.

#43, that's one of the coolest comments I've ever read on this site. Well done. #15, although it's been said a few times, both men and women date crazy people, and it's usually not easy to spot the crazy right away. That doesn't even include the crazy people who are able to hide it for most--or all--of their lives.

You gotta look for those crazy eyes! (hoping someone will get the reference)

#46, Thanks. I appreciate the apppreciation, I put effort into it.