By Anonymous - 22/03/2012 14:59 - United States - Newark

Today, I found out what a bottle of regurgitated wine looks like on white bedsheets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 959
You deserved it 9 790

Same thing different taste

Top comments

knsy 0

Billy Mays would have had a field day on that shit.

Your fault? Or did someone else regurgitate the wine?


That's what you get for partying with the cast from Jersey Shore. Nothing good can come of that.

YDI for getting drunk on wine. Classy.

Does it look any diffrent then normal whine?

Well, yes, I'd hope so too. If it went down as a smooth red blush and came up as a violent green paste, I'd be somewhat concerned myself. ;)

newgiaw 3

This is not really fyl, just wash the sheet.

TheDrifter 23

You don't do your own laundry do you? That won't wash out. Not to mention how much has likely soaked into the mattress.

It looks like what you bed sheets will look like when Bradley pops that cherry 22. And 15, a 80lb lighter tool you still are. Bwah!!

You're such a creeper. You didn't even say anything to me and I feel violated. Also, the Bradley thing was really uncalled for. You're disgusting.

tylersign 11

What in the actual **** is wrong with you? Excuse my vulgar nature.

HeroOfHyrule 0

Let me guess..regurgitated wine? :P This was a kind of a sucky FML..

If you had the whole bottle to yourself ydi for not sharing and being greedy. If someone else did it fyl. Make sure you use baking soda to clean it up.