By Anonymous - 21/02/2014 17:37 - Germany - Naurath

Today, I found out what a lightweight my girlfriend is. After having a couple of drinks, she began flirting, then grabbed my ass. She felt around a bit before freaking out and asking where my penis was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 664
You deserved it 6 149

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She must have been utterly shocked when you turned around and showed her your tail.

Disregard #1. They don't seem to realize she was feeling your ass.


If you're not old enough to drink don't do it

That's not even relevant to the FML. It says nothing about age.

Anyone who thinks 90% of people don't drink before the legal age is naive as hell lets be honest

Germans can legally drink at 16. I don't think too young is the basis of the question here.

Dude, where did thaa even come from?

If she was that intoxicated maybe it was a good thing she didn't find it .

Put a red hat on it and we got where's waldo

Drunk where's Waldo with a penis. If I could be a fly on the wall when that went down...

Ashter 20

How is this an FML? She was grabbing your ass and not someone elses.

At least she wasn't grabbing someone else's ass lol

Simple solution - just show her what she is looking for. It's a win/win situation.

you should of had started crying and wailed "I DON'T KNOW! I AM SO LOST!"

At least you know she really is comfortable with you and open. In another note ... She wants that D ;)