By natural selection i guess - 09/12/2016 09:02

Today, I found out why my biology class TA, who takes the class alongside the other students, was always so eager to collect my work. Turns out, she's been erasing my name on my papers and writing hers in all semester. My failing final grade has already been finalized. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 477
You deserved it 976

Same thing different taste

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ExtremeEncounter 32

There's got to be a way that can be changed...

Tell your teacher, and confront the TA!


Go to your professor, the head of the science department, and the dean with this. That level of plagiarism is grounds for expulsion in any school, and I'm sure that arrangements can be made to salvage your grade (administrators can usually re-open finalized grades if necessary). If not, the worst case scenario is you get your failing grade nullified. You'll have to take the course again, but at least it won't hurt your GPA.

See if it ends up getting nullified and she has to take the class again I would sue for the amount owed for the class and for enormous remounts of emotional stress

How do you go the whole semester without ever knowing your grade? And how is the TA even allowed to be in the class at the same time? Seems fishy to me...

This is actually why I always write my name i pen. That is so ****** up. Fyl, Op.

Go to the Dean. That is cheating and steps can be taken to correct the problem but you will need the Deans help.

If you found out then either someone snitched or you found evidence. Both ways you have backup to prove your point. If it's the first one I would ask them to come with me when I went to the honor council

natural selection would beating the shit out of her after finding this out. you do dumb shit=you get beat up

Oh heck no! I hope you were able to resolve that. No way can u let that slide. Definitely need an update

That is why you do homework in ink. Talk to the Dean of students about this and see what can be done. But make sure you have a lot of evidence of it happening.

If they still have the assessments it should be easy to prove they're yours. If they're handwritten, they'll match your handwriting but not the TA's and if they were done on the computer and then they somehow added their name you'll have the original document and they won't. Take this up with the college as this is technically ghost writing and is 100% illegal.

There is no way that will be finalized of you tell someone in the administration