By michelle - 05/02/2010 19:01 - France

Today, I found out why my boyfriend wouldn't answer his phone last night. He was hanging out with our mutual friend all night. She had been texting me all night about what great sex she was having. My boyfriend was the only person there besides her brother. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 462
You deserved it 2 819

Same thing different taste


@ RushFanatic, my app of fml is so messed up right now i cant see my comment, i cant get to other pages and comments are coming and going :P thanks 4 pointin that out tho lol ;)

Ew, why would she tell you that she slept with her brother?!

uhh, really tempted to call fake. How would you know there was only your BF and her brother there? She told you? So, she was kind enough to text you that she was sleeping with your BF??? Dunno about you, but if I was sleeping with my friend's GF, I would never text him about it.

SettoFail 9

Time to brake a skanks neck. Or atleast kick the living shit out of her, that's what I'd do.

perdix 29

Your friend was lying. She was just mad that decided to have gay sex together and refused her repeated requests for DP or to be Eiffel Towered. I hope that makes you feel better.

CleanSheets 0
sterl13 0