By gotthewrongman - 17/12/2009 17:49 - United States

Today, I found that my Facebook account had been hacked, and all my friends were deleted. As I tried to add them all back, Facebook reported me as a hacker for adding too many people too quickly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 534
You deserved it 3 723

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that SUCKS!!! Mine was hacked and then i said "I am Gay will you have sex with me" to my Gay best friend and he actually wanted to have sex with me the next time i saw him. Hackers suck... but i did get a ******** from him, now its awkward because i was drunk and he has a video of some stuff that never should have happened

DoomJeff91 2

Dude... This is FML. Not your diary. Nice job with scoring though.


Shady_R 0

YDI for having a facebook account. Next time meet your 'friends' for coffee and invite them over the phone.

YDI for not having a strong enough password and let me guess, your fml account has the exact same password as your facebook and even any other site. And also, Im pretty sure when you add a lot of friends it warns you first dumbass. Its happend to me, it doesnt report you right away unless you keep doing it.

fmylif3xD 0

This isn`t an FML. Maybe you should get a life before posting this here. No one wants to see an FML about Facebook.

deaditegirl 0

YDI for having such an easily guessable password.

Flamersplamer 0
Snickel7 0

Haha, so instead of changing the email/password on your account and then changing the passwords on your other accounts (assuming you use the same one) your first thought is to add all your friend's back?

You know I find it funny that a lot of people are saying YDI for not having a strong enough password but that doesn't always matter. My myspace got hacked once (I know that's not facebook but same basic concept) and my password was thirty characters long with numbers as well as letters. The person who hacked it sent weird messages to my friends.

Ditto this. I had a password with 18 characters, and I still got hacked. That was the only thing they hacked - out of all the things on my PC they could have had, so it was clearly not a keylogger. Not sure what they got out of spamming all my friends...

alexFYL - a program can track your key strokes without having a keylogger on your computer. Have you seen the recent 'facebook trick' where you do something like press up up down down left right a b enter then right click, and the trippy circles appear on your screen? It's most likely a java hack in the FB code and it knows your keystrokes on FB but it's not a keylogger.

THat sucks, but FB would not have reported you for being a hacker just coz you added lots of people, it prob would have thought you were a spammer. Spamming =/= hacking.

If someone can hack into your real email account, like hotmail or yahoo, then they can usually get into your other accounts easily because a website like facebook usually sends you an email to you gmail or what ever to tell you your password or reset the password. just another thing to be careful about.