By gotthewrongman - 17/12/2009 17:49 - United States

Today, I found that my Facebook account had been hacked, and all my friends were deleted. As I tried to add them all back, Facebook reported me as a hacker for adding too many people too quickly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 534
You deserved it 3 723

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that SUCKS!!! Mine was hacked and then i said "I am Gay will you have sex with me" to my Gay best friend and he actually wanted to have sex with me the next time i saw him. Hackers suck... but i did get a ******** from him, now its awkward because i was drunk and he has a video of some stuff that never should have happened

DoomJeff91 2

Dude... This is FML. Not your diary. Nice job with scoring though.


You're an idiot. You were either Phished, or were stupid enough to give someone else your username and password. Or you were keylogged. Deserved it.

Mattdude33 0

Why would they ban you for that?

EveryDayJackAss 0

OMFGZ no more facebook!? it's the fukin apocalypse! seriously, get a grip

This actually happened to me too, once I had facebook I was adding all of my friends, and then they banned me for being an "hacker". Just get the email from Facebook and tell them you were just simply adding your friends, that's all.. that's what I did, they rechecked everything, and apologized for the inconvenience. (: it's not a huge FML story .

if this is the worst thing happening to u i think ul be alright haha

i dont understand why someone would hack someone elses facebook, it so pointless. they deleted your friends, make a new account. :l

OMG! this is bad hope u get them back soon.

PrimeStarscream 30