By gotthewrongman - 17/12/2009 17:49 - United States

Today, I found that my Facebook account had been hacked, and all my friends were deleted. As I tried to add them all back, Facebook reported me as a hacker for adding too many people too quickly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 534
You deserved it 3 723

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that SUCKS!!! Mine was hacked and then i said "I am Gay will you have sex with me" to my Gay best friend and he actually wanted to have sex with me the next time i saw him. Hackers suck... but i did get a ******** from him, now its awkward because i was drunk and he has a video of some stuff that never should have happened

DoomJeff91 2

Dude... This is FML. Not your diary. Nice job with scoring though.


bummer dude, good thing it's only fb so it doesn't matter.

ole_and_lena 0

change your password. problem solved!

Not exactly... I hack facebook all the time... That MIGHTVE been me...

Wow....whether it's true or not doesn't affect me, but I did have mine hacked once, only the hacker sent some weird message to half my friends with a virus link in it. I simply "deleted" that account and made a new one. Now I'm good :P but I don't know if they ban you for adding too many friends too fast. I was doing that when I made my new account and nothing happened to me.

omg my teacher was talking about facebook hackers today, and he said that some quizzes allow people to get ino your account. Then Facebook bans your account(the hacker's) and that's it.

yeah, some apps are viruses. And nobody uses them to HACK, they use them as viruses to get your PW or screw up your security settings.

same exact thing is happening to me right now and my account is now suspended and wont send a verification code!