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By Anonymous - 26/10/2010 11:02 - Ukraine

Today, I found that windshield wipers on my car had been stolen. I bought a pair of new ones for around $10 but when I was trying to put them in place, I failed to hold a wiper holder and it slipped down on the windshield, causing cracks. Now I have to replace the windshield which will cost approximately $150. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 276
You deserved it 7 242

Kolobok tells us more.

Hi to all! I'M THE AUTHOR OF THIS FML :) Thanks for your votes and conversation! Some remarks: my car is Skoda Fabia (2002), windshield was Ok before this thing happened, and the windshield was cracked by the wiper holder (wiper arm), without a wiper itself. It of course didn't break into pieces - just the inferior layer of the glass got a "star" of cracks 10-15 cm each which are gradually growing :( P.S. In my country (Ukraine) average month salary is probably ~$250 and up to 1/3 of people live for half of that. P.P.S. I myself was surprised to see my wipers stolen as those old ones cost $3-4 max :) And I thought that steeling such things was left somewhere in 1990-s

Top comments

jcortez1594 0

Lol in Ecuador people steal the wipers off your car and then they ask if you would like to buy them back at the next intersection XD gotta love my old country


Asstastic4 0
romanceaser 0

So nothing new in the world of dummies.

CH423 0

Yeah they do! Some moron stole the gas cap off my car a few months back. Idiot.

TenderizeMe 0

My boyfriend stole my car, crashed it to my house, then killed my grand-uncle, then with the house crumbling down, my pets all died.

TenderizeMe 0

So true- I had a friend that lived in a somewhat bad neighborhood and he couldn't even have a porch light because people would steal the lightbulb. Damn druggies

I am sorry but YDI you should never let the metal part hang, keep it against the glass slowly or it will snap and break your window

SecureReflex 0

One time a jackass stole my common sense. I had it locked in a safe too, but somehow it was missing in the morning.

rciccone 0

someone stole my bible in my Christian school my first day last year this time they stole my friends one =.=

Someone stole the seat of my bike once. Not the whole bike- Just the seat. 

rciccone 0
ChubbyCake 5

Someone stole my gummy bear bag but left all the gummy bears in a bowl.

hahaha that's a good one... who the **** steals windshield wipers lol..if you go for that, might as well go for the whole car! ^^

overthelimit 3

47 - well thats not very christian-like

rciccone 0


rciccone 0


and if you're fully comp, its usually free! :) btw, whats anti flood?

#6, Anti-flood is a device that some flood prone countries install beneath their doors, so as to stop any water from coming in! Some insurance companies do not pay out flood insurance if the 'anti-flood' device wasn't installed! Its still a fairly new concept, and there should be some coming in a store near you!

**** the commenting bug. #6 was someone that replied to #4, but it keeps jumping around.

#6 Anti-flood is a device that some flood prone countries install beneath their doors, so as to stop any water from coming in! Some insurance companies do not pay out flood insurance if the 'anti-flood' device wasn't installed! Its still a fairly new concept, and there should be some coming in a store near you!

guckylynn 19

#19 that's quite rude. I am female and know more about cars, diagnosing problems in cars and fixing them then most of my male friends do.

uhhh_awkward 0

I agree with #33. I worked in my dad's repair shop when I went to visit him in England every summer since I was ten. I know a whole lot about cars!!

sccrismyantidrg 4

And that's why you shouldn't attempt grammar.

uhhh_awkward 0

Hey, sorry...what's wrong with my grammar? Maybe a little bit of a run-on in the eyes of some English teachers, but it was indeed grammatically correct. :)

uhhh_awkward 0

Oh #51 I'm sorry!!! I'm so used to people making fun of me on here, I was automatically thinking you were talking to me! Sorry to seem so self-centered!!! :)

#6 anti-flood protection is when too many comments are "flooding" in at once for the app to handle.

uhhh_awkward 0

never heard of a wiper arm able to cause cracks, fyl

me either a windshield is was to strong to crack with the hit of a wiper coming down

This is why you hire people to do things lien that.

Not everyone can afford to hire people to do every little thing for them. I replace my own wipers, change my own head/tail lights, change my own oil, and anything else that comes up that I can figure out on my own. I would rather spend my money on things I enjoy.

big deal hire someone to replace wipers !!?? WTF try and take it to the dealership they would look at you like a retard which you probably are

I was simply stating it in a way that if OP didn't know how replace the windshields correctly, to hire to someone to do it, or get someone they know to help them out, instead of doing it themselves, resulting in fail.

it so ******* easy, even a caveman can do it

very easy for wiper arms to break glass. that's a cheap windshield though

guckylynn 19

That's not cheap for a windshield? Its a normal amount to pay for a deductible.

In soviet russia, windshield wiper wipe you!

perdix 29

Sounds pretty fishy to me that a wiper could crack the windshield. Were you driving a Yugo or a Lada?

jcortez1594 0

Lol in Ecuador people steal the wipers off your car and then they ask if you would like to buy them back at the next intersection XD gotta love my old country