By BNLM - 09/03/2010 01:11 - United States

Today, I found the purity ring I lost a year ago. Too bad I lost my virginity 4 months ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 630
You deserved it 34 219

Same thing different taste

Top comments


buttonface 0

... Yeah. A lot of people do that. You got laid and now a bunch of online people know. Congrats, ******. :D

shannonbabyy13 0

It's an fml because the sex was so bad ha. no really how the he'll is this an fml? your fault. should of kept your legs closed.. unless your a guy you should have left it in your pants. ydi

danman91 0

how is she a *****? that's really uncalled for.

I agree with you she's going to hell unless she is married stupid *****

rauj13 0

YDI for not keeping track of your stuff.

ChEeYaH24 0

so much for a purity ring!!

this is more like oh well kind of thing if you ask me

imdeborah 0

i can only imagine that the OP lost it to somebody not worth losing it to. people throw sex around waay too much. shame. just sayin.