By Anonymous - 01/10/2011 16:21 - United States

Today, I gave a man a cigarette. He spent the rest of the day so far following me around, telling me all about his medical history, and chasing after me when I got too far away. I couldn't get rid of him for hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 674
You deserved it 8 088

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LiveLaughFML 10

it's like being nice to the weird kid and then BOOM stalked for life!


hannahcorrine 0

I feel like theres probably a story behind the cigarette part...

smoking kills and wow creepy kinda stalkerish

U stole "smoking kills". From another comment!

missbeeeiych7 0

Do u work at Rdi telemArketing .

hannahcorrine 0

That sounds like a good day.

mbrooks5110 0

911,yes, I have a guy who is trying to be my friend please arrest him.

mj_ok 9

You should of made a deal with him, give him a whole pack of cigarettes so he can get lost.