By Anonymous - 01/10/2011 16:21 - United States

Today, I gave a man a cigarette. He spent the rest of the day so far following me around, telling me all about his medical history, and chasing after me when I got too far away. I couldn't get rid of him for hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 674
You deserved it 8 088

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LiveLaughFML 10

it's like being nice to the weird kid and then BOOM stalked for life!


arrowshockey18 2

I'd never give away my cigarettes. **** that

KiddNYC1O 20

You're 15, you will if you want to live past 25.

arrowshockey18 2

Only live once, might as well have fun.

KiddNYC1O 20

You sound like my coworker. He's 26, weighs like 110, been smoking for years and his teeth are ****** up.

arrowshockey18 2

86: Why do you want him to slap your cut?

arrowshockey18 2

Uhm two total different words...

mikeeg 0

Smokings gross...who smokes anymore...

marpay 11

Weed is expensive and does nothing for me. I'll stick to my e-cigs. None of the chemicals all of the nicotine.

arrowshockey18 2

Lol you def living in a major city, cus that's were you only experience crazy shit like that

Thats what you get foe giving a manna cigerette

Can't tell if trolling, or illiterate. Probably illiterate, taking the name "BieberLover" into account.

Well I personally think you deserved it because you never said you told him to go away. If someone following me I'd have bust a couple if caps.

marpay 11

Make sure you use the kill shot while you bust them caps.

PinkFun1969 9

nothing like a bud between friends. ;-)

jacob2raider 0

I find it hilarious when there is a smoking fml and there are people insulting the op for smoking cigs. like some self-rightious freaks, while theres a weed fml which dishes out all these supporters. HAR DEE ******* HAR HAR.