By Anonymous - 01/10/2011 16:21 - United States

Today, I gave a man a cigarette. He spent the rest of the day so far following me around, telling me all about his medical history, and chasing after me when I got too far away. I couldn't get rid of him for hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 674
You deserved it 8 088

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LiveLaughFML 10

it's like being nice to the weird kid and then BOOM stalked for life!


Ydi for smoking!! Nasty!!! Sorry he stalked u after. Maybe it's a hint u should quit..?

Do u live in NYC by any chance? I swear to god the same exact thing happened to me I wonder If it was the same guy.... Was he a white guy with a beard?

#107 OP here. Nah it was a white guy in Boise, ID.

SneezyC 15

You deserved this . Nuff' said

bibi18_fml 0

Living healthy is overrated. You go outta your way to be fit, eat right, and avoid dangerous things... But the truth is, we're all gonna die anyway. Why not have fun and go out knowing you enjoyed your time here? You can't say that smoking kills you quicker, think about cancer, aids, crap like that. Healthy people get sick too

Iamaninchworm 0

No good deed ever goes unpunished, as they say.

Bigmoneyshotz 0

That ought to teach u not to smoke.