By LD619 - 16/12/2010 05:51 - United States

Today, I gave my ex-girlfriend two concert tickets to show her I still care about her and want to win her back. She sold them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 592
You deserved it 44 609

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you still care for her then ask her to the concert instead of buying her to tickets, she might not have the same feelings as you do. So YDI

you deserve it for not getting over her. get a life and move on bro. she obviously doesn't want anything to do with you...


Well aren't you AN IDIOT !! MERRY f****NG CHRISTMAS ~~~~~~ LOOSESR !!!!

you could have been more subtle about it before you went and bought concert tickets. tell her before you go and show effection and then see what her response is.

WaitWut22 1

say do you want to come to a concert with me then say sike walk away and tell her how much fun you had.

Op this is reality, shit happens (all over your bank statement)

Think of it this way, if she decides to give you wine bottles for Christmas, smack her in the head with it. lol

Dude. She DUMPED you. Leave her alone.

Justin Beiber wasn't her first choice I take it.

Ninjafriends 1

Evidently the ex didn't share OP's Bieber fever.

you reek of desperation, grow a spine and tell her how you feel but make her understand that you wont be there for her forever! or just Forget about her cause she seems like a bitch anyway

They're broken up, so she doesn't owe him anything. He should leave her alone and let her live her own life instead of trying to be part of it. He had his time, now it's over.