By dumpedovergame - 06/07/2009 10:51 - United States

Today, I gave the option to my boyfriend of 5 years to either quit World of Warcraft of lose me. He said WOW makes him happier. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 325
You deserved it 33 894

Same thing different taste

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This_Guy 0

Girls need to stop giving guys ultimatums. Why can't we have both?

Lemme never banged him???


Uhm, yeah im asuming that you haven't ****** this guy yet? if the sex was good he wouldn't have answered like he did. lol

YDI or giving a man an ultimatum between video games and women. While sex is great, video games don't ever nag at you.

YDI for being a selfish ****. any girl who gave me an ultimatum would get the same ******* answer. INB4 40 yr old virgin, virgin, etc. i have been with an amzing girl for 2 years. we just got a new place. sex is awesome. and shes also a gamer. so **** you OP. go find some dumbass jock like every other dumb bitch does

Never get between a guy and his video games. I'm a girl and I even know that. -_-

YDI, guys will be guys. I'm sure you did somethings that he didn't like, but I don't think he made you CHOOSE. Honestly if you needed THAT much attention you could have just talked to him. And if a video game makes him happier than you, then clearly you're doing something wrong. I don't blame him actually, if my boyfriend asked me to choose between him or WoW I would break up with him for the fact that if he wont take into consideration that WoW is something I do for fun and that I like it, then he's not worth my time. Get over it and learn to talk to your boyfriends about certain things that they do that you don't like. And if you did talk to him and he didn't care then it's better you two broke up. Remember; a bunch of guys LOVE videogames. And yes, they can get carried away with them, as do girls (me! :P) But that doesn't mean that you don't have a voice and that you don't have an opinion on the matter.

mcsnelly 5

Guys will be guys/boys will be boys is just an excuse for guys to do retarded things so never use it as an argument again. Since the OP said they'd been together for five years, I'm sure she's done all the talking about this problem that she can and has finally had enough. So I'd bet the ultimatum was justified. Ultimatums definitely shouldn't be used too lightly but if the bf was obsessed with a game and refused to even cut back a little, then the OP was in the right. A relationship needs to have compromise on both ends, not just the gf having to deal with it when a game consumes his life.

and as I said, if he didn't listen to her then it's better they broke up. Then she could find a guy that LISTENS to her.

hoshica 6

That's why you don't ask. It's always better not to know.

Same thing basically happened with me. It wasn't that he said it made him happier--I told him he needed to quit because he kept ignoring me for the game, and he said he would, but he didn't. So I ended it. :D Stupid, horrible, addicting game.

I don't get why people use "he turned down sex to finish a raid" as concrete proof that someone is an addict. If I were reading or sewing or cooking or, well, playing WoW - you know, getting "me time" and doing something I enjoy - and my boyfriend came up to me and said "hey baby, let's sex," I probably wouldn't be all about it just then either.

Wait a minute... all of these posts assume too much. If WoW has completely taken over his life, and he's immersed himself in a virtual world while taking no notice of anything in his real life, then the ultimatum was justified. People who lose themselves to video games usually have serious problems in their lives. (I said usually, before any of the trolls around here try to accuse me of calling anyone who plays video games mentally challenged, or some such crap.) If it's just a hobby of his, and she just didn't like that he was playing it, it certainly wasn't justified. My boyfriend and I are gamers, and we both play WoW, but it certainly isn't what we spend most of our time on. We've played various MMORPGs, including EVE Online and Age of Conan, but it's always just a hobby. So, if it was a hobby for him, then she needed to stop being selfish, and accept that it's something he enjoys. If his life was completely controlled by it, then he needed to realise he's wasting his life in a virtual world, when there's thousands of other things he could be doing. Being a gamer is one thing, but becoming lost to the real world is WAY over the top.