By Anonymous - 06/12/2009 22:13 - United States

Today, I got a birthday present from my boyfriend's mom. It was ProActiv acne solution. He tried to make me feel better by explaining it's because she wants to be able to include me in family pictures. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 210
You deserved it 3 389

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why are there so many people saying she deserves it? Some people wash their faces every day and still get acne because of bad genes or other factors.


Whoa, proactiv is pretty expensive. And hey, she thinks you're part of the family. Isn't that a good thing? BTW, don't use proactiv.... I use Benzaclin, it's prescription and expensive, but works like a charm.

Proactiv is good! I use it and it cleared up my skin a fair bit. She might have just been trying to help, jeez. don't take everything as a personal attack!

well, it was rude. I'm not saying you should take care of your looks and your acne just to impress other people, but it would be cool for your boyfriend. I bet he doesn't like your acne but he didn't want to be rude and say it.

shesamazin 0

thats very rude but hey atleast you don't have to buy it yourself.

definitely wasn't how she should have gone about it, but it really seems like she just wants to help.

danniexo 0

ha on my birthday two years ago my boyfriends mom called me a *****, *****, bitch all because i aperently made her son be with me for my birthday.she wont let us date anymore... people suck ass seriously

maryburnsgreen 0

stop ******* bitching if YOU don't care about YOUR face you're gonna bitch at HER for caring!? bitch go to hell(:

alex6946 10

It just means she cares about you an sees this as a long term relationship with her son. Don't take it too personally she may just not have any idea how to show she cares. There are people like that who have good intentions but poor delivery.