By mom21 - 08/02/2011 17:46 - United States

Today, I got a call from my daughter’s teacher asking me to come pick her up. My daughter wouldn’t tell her what was wrong. I left an important work meeting. When I got there she stated her boyfriend broke up with her and she couldn't emotionally make it through the rest of the day. She's 5. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 493
You deserved it 7 983

mom21_fml tells us more.

WOW. First off, the only reason I posted this was because I called my husband to tell him about this and he thought itd be funny to post this on here. Now I wish I hadn't. Most of you people are more dramatic than my daughter. I made an account to defend my child. She's five. She was just being silly...

Top comments

if she were older I'd say YDI for thinking it wasn't important. but 5? LOL.

its pretty bad if a 5 year old feels that way. she's too young. FYL


its pretty bad if a 5 year old feels that way. she's too young. FYL

iSitt 0

Record every silly thing she does on a grid. As she has her own kids and complains about them check off that square. Yell BINGO!

thewhiteninja 0
highlystrung 4

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lol that is cute but unfortunate that you had a work meeting.

Acousticpixie14 6

It's cute. Scratch's absolutely adorable! However, can you imagine what she's gonna be like when she's a teenager if she's already like this? It reminds me of that three year old who was bawling over Justin Bieber.

lol 5 year olds have feelings too although I do remember when I was five I hated boys

It's actually beyond cute. Let us know if they get back together?? she may have found her soul mate.. You never know. Might make me feel like there's hope for me.

Acousticpixie14 6

Not really. Boys don't like girls at that age, but I remember girls always liking boys when I was little.

#70 That's crap. I never had the whole "OHEMGEE BOYS ARE DISGUSTING" phase when I was a kid. Neither did my sister. That's just how kids are raised in some areas, or in some families, I guess.

VinegarStrokes 0

She's gonna be on Xanax by the age of 10

Acousticpixie14 6

She'll only be on Xanax if her mother puts her on Xanax. At age 5, what she is doing is a learned behavior. There's nothing really wrong with her. She just thinks she's supposed to act that way.

It's pretty sad and twisted that society and the media is teaching 5 year old toddlers that they need boyfriends. Ugh, pretty soon it'll be normal for kids to lose their virginity at age 8. I hardly even cared about boys until I was twice that age. I still don't. Being in a relationship is nice, but my life doesn't depend on it. And whenever I'm in a relationship, it's serious, and real. Having a boyfriend just for the sake of having one is just stupid, in my opinion.

That's exactly something my sister would do. She's 6 and has gone through more "heartbreaking" breakups than most adults have.

Acousticpixie14 6

That doesn't mean that society has taught them that they need boyfriends. So she had a "boyfriend." Big deal. I got "married" when I was seven. She has probably had an experience with someone in her life, whether it be her mother, if she's single, or a babysitter, cousin, etc. where they went through a break up and were devastated. So, when her "boyfriend" broke up with her, she thought she should be upset. There's nothing wrong with her. And society is not to blame. Her mom just might have her hands a little full when this little drama queen gets older [:

society actually is to blame. we are all products of our environment, so almost 100% of the time society is to blame. now freaking out about it is probably overkill, but then again IMO this whole love thing has been so blown out of proportion. We've literally made it into a religion of it's own.

Fuqtastic 0

Not if you look like your picture XD

Acousticpixie14 6

When you're 5 years old, your environment consists of the adults responsible for you, and fellow 5 year olds. That's hardly to blame for her wanting a boyfriend. Children imitate adults. That's a fact; it's what they do. Mommy and Daddy are married so they want to be married. Mommy has a boyfriend so she wants a boyfriend. There's nothing wrong with that at all. Basically what you're saying is that we should stop having any kind of relationship with anyone else because then our children will want the same thing, and that's society corrupting them. Honestly, that's quite moronic.

amayasoma 19

well society is to blame. I bet this little 5 year old watches TV. kids imitate what they see and hear. Soon she will BR hearing about sex mostly because of tv and others around her. I kind of would be worried that she is acting like this at such a young age. That age is a time to be care free not crying over boys.

pimplayer 0

yoo OP ur daughter gonna be on teen moms sorry!

cradle6 13

153- That's the biggest psychological debate. Nature vs Nurture. Genetics vs. Environment. Both are accepted as factors, but the argument is over how much. And about the fml, she's just trying to follow societal norms, in her perception. She probably got it from you OP or tv, and thinks that she's supposed to 1) have boyfriends and 2) be devasted at a break up.

TAYsaurus 0
Lil_Red777 21

um kid are losing their virginity a 8 that's the world we live in and btw shes a little kid she doesn't ******* know what a boyfriend really is all she knows is what she's seen on tv and in her home kids that age mimic so quit saying she's gonna be a teen mom cause you really don't know that

dorkychick 0

cute? you people are stupid...cute that a 5 year old little girl is already destraut and emotionally effected by a relationship is cute? yes she might just be copying things she sees in the long run...and although it might give a good laugh...she honestly thinks she is supposed to be destraut over all should not reproduce

139- I wish I could multi-like your comment. SO TRUE.

fmlbrofml 0

And your dollies & action figures,(;

Damn. Everybody is so defensive and angry, can't we just say "haha this is relatively funny" and not get into a huge ethical debate?

if she were older I'd say YDI for thinking it wasn't important. but 5? LOL.

If you READ it clearly says OP didn't know what the problem was when the school phoned her up as the kid wouldn't say. Only when OP got to the school did her kid say what was wrong. YDI for being a dumbass, should've gone to specsavers, I heard they do cracking deals.

For a company that works mostly with glass, I'm not sure cracking is a great selling point.

that boy is a player. well, a mini player. haha

IN MY OPINION, I think your daughter will become a ***** if she already thinks about boys breaking up with her. It's a bad sign if she shuts down for a boy at the age of 5. Inmagine when she's older!

I'm sorry, but did you really think that your "IN MY OPINION" prologue would prevent people from calling you a complete doddering futzbucket?

missy1228 2

u jackass she is 5 I find that very cute..... it's people like u that piss me off that. this is my opinion ur a complete jackass

KingDingALing 9

Yeah! That's like saying "no ****" after you say something completely gay! For example, "Yo, how big is yo' dick? No **** though, you know, cuz I don't play dat **** shit." Just because you say "no ****" doesn't mean that you can say the gayest shit that comes to mind! And that was your random fact of the day. Brought to you by Ling-Ling.

Stupid, you're a complete doddering futzbucket. That is all.

hopper5101 11

did you really just predict a five year old is going to become a *****??? that the stupidest thing I've ever heard. I for one think it's pretty damn cute that she said it. besides a "boyfriend or girlfriend" at the age of five consists of sharing snacks and coloring with the other person.

My new favorite phrase: doddering futzbucket.

#6 has a valid point. IMHO, the 5 yr old is getting this bf crap from her mom/dad/wtvr, so she is on a path to whoredom. 5 yrs old & goin on about a "bf" and the "feelings" that go along w it...? yea ok. sooo NOT cute. she needs a talk about when it is appropriate to have a bf, ect. & you idiots need to crawl out of docs asshole. your like ******* lemming.

6: WTF? Oh, and Doc, "doddering futzbucket?" Very nice.

rudegirlmania 10

I'm wondering where she got that from...

good point girl!! u learn from those around u. especially at age 5

Kelita 0

U said it for me. A 5 year old has to hear it somewhere so it's either the mom or someone the mom shouldn't b bringing around the kid.

Except 5 year olds don't watch that kind of tv.

Or maybe just an overdramatic older sister.


from the person that left work lol

TheDrifter 23

A 5 year old emo? what has the world come to? It's time people started having to pass a test to become parents.

GothKitty19 0

they also have skinny jeans for toddlers

You're right. It's ok for teenagers, drunks, druggies and molesters to have kids, but an emo? They shouldn't be able to procreate at all. Bring on the parental aptitude test!

Pain_and_Misery 0

Nothing wrong with skinny jeans for kids. Where do you think the clothes you wore as a kid came from? Exactly, from the trends back then.

Emo (short for EMOtive hardcore) is a subgenre of the '80s Washington DC hardcore scene that lasted through the late '90s. Don't confuse sweet jams with overly bitchy suburban white people.

When I was 5, I thought boys were dirty xD Times change eh?