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By Anonymous - 21/04/2021 11:01

Today, I refused to manually count $64 in pennies from a customer, because I would hold up the line and I was one of three registers open. In fact, I advised her to use the Coinstar machine in the lobby. She refused, threw a fit and demanded my manager for being “incompetent”. I was fired. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 792
You deserved it 343

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're not legally required to accept large quantities of pennies for purchase. They made exceptions to that when some guy tried to pay the IRS in pennies out of spite over a tax disagreement. (that may be an apocryphal origin story, but it still stands)

sorry that you had an incompetent manager and had to deal with a wild Karen, if I was you I would make a complaint to his boss go above your manager let them know the situation because that's ridiculous.


sorry that you had an incompetent manager and had to deal with a wild Karen, if I was you I would make a complaint to his boss go above your manager let them know the situation because that's ridiculous.

Good your manager sucked. You'd do better.

no matter how annoying it may be it is your job to accept and count all legal currency for payment I understand there was a line but maybe that's all they had to pay with and the coin star fees could've made them short so maybe next time you'll learn from this and do your job even when it's tough or annoying. I've had to count over $600 in change as payment and I did it without judgement or harassment

You're not legally required to accept large quantities of pennies for purchase. They made exceptions to that when some guy tried to pay the IRS in pennies out of spite over a tax disagreement. (that may be an apocryphal origin story, but it still stands)

yeah I forgot about that incident that was hilarious🤣🤣🤣🤣

Agreed. Even here in Canada it is general knowledge that a cashier has the right to refuse large amounts of change.

bleachedraven 14

It is unbelievable that some people think the world revolves around them and they have the audacity to hold up other people's days. You did what you thought was best in the situation, I'm sorry you were fired, but in the long run, you'll be way better off not dealing with unnecessary crap, maybe even get a raise :)

Only three registers open? You must work at Walmart. If that's the case, go to corporate and file a complaint. There are a few factors here, but I don't think anything warranted a termination.