By Anonymous - 26/04/2011 02:37 - United Kingdom

Today, I got a letter back from the family I will be staying with as a part of an exchange program. Apparently they own a slaughterhouse type farm, and I'm expected to kill one of their animals and eat it as a gift from the family. I'm a vegan. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 272
You deserved it 19 428

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what kind of animal? and do you have to eat the whole thing? these are important questions.

KristinaKreme 0

Woah! At least they didn't threaten to kill you in the slaughter house! For a second I thought that's where the FML was going!


ilovecupcakes98 0

Well that stinks OP.): Why not just tell them your a vegan? They may respect that. FYL./:

Birdie33429 7

that's your fault for being a hippie

structuredchaoz 4

Most vegas, veggies don't eat meat due to the processing practices. What you would be doing is normal. Shouldn't bother you.

did you actually read what you just posted? SENSE. IT MADE NONE.

Is the point of an exchange program not to experience different cultures, including their food choices? What's the point of going if you aren't willing to leave your comfort zone and try new things? Either way I have no pity for the poster because either they eat the meat or get to try to explain why they do not eat meat to a new culture, either way it will be a great learning experience.

Thats what you get u goddam hippie, stop being such a fag.

why would you be a vegan? that's just plain out stupid. Meat is way to good.

if you're an ethical vegan, yfdi, and if you're a dietary vegan, suck it up. if you dont wanna partake of local customs that differ from what you're accustomed to, DON'T APPLY TO BE AN EXCHANGE STUDENT. go ahead, decline their offer to help prepare their meal, see how hospitable they are the rest of your stay