By Anonymous - 26/04/2011 02:37 - United Kingdom

Today, I got a letter back from the family I will be staying with as a part of an exchange program. Apparently they own a slaughterhouse type farm, and I'm expected to kill one of their animals and eat it as a gift from the family. I'm a vegan. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 272
You deserved it 19 428

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what kind of animal? and do you have to eat the whole thing? these are important questions.

KristinaKreme 0

Woah! At least they didn't threaten to kill you in the slaughter house! For a second I thought that's where the FML was going!


i dont understand why people get upset about other people being vegan. especially when nobody is forcing their beliefs on you, or is it your guilt that is making you hostile? shut the **** up and let people enjoy their own lifestyle.

I think most people get hung up on the vegans who are...well...crazy and hypocritical in their practice, like those in PETA. Theres also the self-righteous vegans who don't think that its just THEIR lifestyle, but that its a lifestyle that should be FORCED upon everyone, because, y'know, everyone can afford a truly vegan diet. It doesn't help that that there are a lot of people who just decide to be vegan for the novelty of it, so they can brag about how good of a person they are...nevermind all the products they wear and use that were made from animals and animal bi-products. ...theres also the people who switch on a whim and nearly starve themselves because they don't know how to restructure their diet to compensate for the nutrients they are no longer getting. its not too far-fetched that people would overlook vegans that simply realize that a well-structured vegan diet can be better than a well-structured traditional diet, and that our overall usage of animals is out of control and needs to be reduced.

still, the anger needs to be directed towards the overbearing vegans instead of just overgeneralizing. for example, i don't go around calling meat eaters murderers, or act like they all have a problem with me

Ahh, generalization. One of the beauties of mankind. The loud and ignorant radicals of Y, set everyone else's opinion of Y. So if you are a member of Y, or you sympathize with Y's beliefs, then people tend to immediately assume that you are a radical of Y. In fact, some people even go so far as to think that if you are Y, or associated with Y, that you are inferior and your opinions should be discarded regardless of how logical and insightful they may be. Y can be replaced with pretty much anything: Atheism, Christianity, Democratic Party, Republican Party, to name a few of the more popular choices. I believe, my friend, this is what we call "bigotry", and it is a fairly large-scale problem with our species.

kill pig cuz when you killing them they sound like baby

you deserve it to the max for being a vegan

The solution seems simple. A. Respect their customs and "do as the Romans do", afterall eating a little meat isn't going to kill you, besides as others have mentioned its probably higher quality than anything you'd find in your area, being a kill-it-yourself situation. If you cannot digest meat properly, or have other health complications that need consideration, refer to B, then C, respectively. B. Explain your unwillingness or medical inability to eat meat, you could see if you can get out of the slaughter, but that may not be an option. C. Contact the sponsors of the exchange program and explain your situation, they should be able to provide additional information/aid or work something out with the family.

I love vegan food....goes awesome with steak!

maybe you should have checked that out before you left dummy

why is everyone assuming OP is going to a poor county? as a general rule, people in poor countries are not the ones participating in exchanges, and anyone whose child has enough education to go on an exchange is unlikely to take offence if you politey decline their offer and say its for personal beliefs - no one would make a muslem or a jew kill a pig, or a hindu kill a cow, so its not really any different. also, as a side note, people were not 'born to eat meat' we were born to eat a wide variety of foods to meet out dietary requirements, and this can be achieved with or without meat, several modern populations in develping nations get 60-80% of their nutrition from wild plants gathered by the women and children, and in many mediterranen contries it is considerd UNHEALTHY to eat meat more than four times a week, and it is often saved for special occasions. In America and the UK the volume of meat consumption is not only vastly unnessisary to meet diatary requirements, its also quite frankly wasteful.