By Anonymous - 02/10/2010 04:28 - United States

Today, I got a little too drunk and confessed to my fiancé, the love of my life, that I've been faking my orgasms all along. I hate that I can't lie when I'm drunk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 447
You deserved it 41 319

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lenalee96 22

wow, don't get drunk. problem fixed.

Now maybe you can work together at giving you a toe curling, skull crushing ****** every now and then. We wouldn't want him to end up with brother status because he isn't doing it for you.


samanthar 0

maybe its a good thing. u shouldnt lie anyways. theres no point. he can always get better. and if u love him u will teach him what to do. i know if i thought sex sucked with my bf i would be like, uh u better be trying that works trust me

looll..i cant lie when am drunk either!!!i hate that!!! i always end up saying something brutal!

if you can't tell him something as small as- he can't give you orgasms- you need to think about why you're engaged and why you can't tell each other those things.

sinneblade 0

If sex isn't satisfying you from him, tell him. When you are sober. This way, you can help him to fix that. COMMUNICATION is key to a good relationship

What's the big deal? Work on it and now he knows that he needs to practice. Simple fix that shouldn't destroy a relationship

zacheimz 0

lay off the Rum Runners and B-52's

Uhm, try not faking orgasms with the person you are supposedly going to marry. Lol when I typed in orgasms, iPhone corrected me and wrote organs


maybe he's not the love of ur life since ge can't make u ******!?!